How to reduce high blood pressure naturally? Expert Advice:
The blood pressure is about two numbers 120/80. The top number is called systolic which is the pressure on your arteries during the maximal contraction of your heart. While the bottom number is called diastolic which is pressure on your arteries when your heart is completely relaxed. If your blood pressure is constantly over 140/90, then make sure to visit your doctor to have a complete checkup. As it can damage your blood vessels throughout your entire body, from your brain to your eyes, to your lungs, to your heart, to your lungs, and many more. However, there are good data to back up a variety of lifestyle measures that we can actually use to naturally reduce high blood pressure and they actually become the cornerstone of hypertension management.Â
Reduce weight
It’s very clear from the most recent hypertension guidelines and from a variety of data that weight loss can lower your blood pressure. The standard rule of thumb is that getting to your ideal body weight lowers your blood pressure by about six millimeters of mercury. Another rule of thumb is that for every kilogram that an individual loses, their blood pressure is decreased by one millimeter of mercury, so definitely powerful stuff.
Reduce salt intake
Another important component of lifestyle perspective that helps in blood pressure management is making sure you are on a low-sodium diet. It’s recommended to really try and stay below 2,300 milligrams of sodium throughout the day. All salt types are equal. So sea salt is the same as table salt or Himalayan salt. And they all increase blood pressure. Studies in sodium intake and blood pressure show a low sodium diet is worth about one and a half to two blood pressure medicines, a really powerful natural way in reducing blood pressure.
- Processed foods with long shelf lives have a higher sodium content than fresh or plant-based foods so avoid them.
- Use spices, seasoning, and herbs to season food instead of salt.
- Find alternative snack options for your favorite salty snacks.
- Choose foods with “low sodium” labels. However, keep in mind that not all “low sodium” labels mean there is no sodium.
Increase potassium intake
On the line of electrolytes, you should also focus on your potassium intake if you are an individual with hypertension. Potassium intake has an inverse effect on blood pressure compared to sodium. So too much sodium intake increases blood pressure, and too little potassium intake or too low potassium values also increase blood pressure. So it’s very important to understand and make sure that your diet is replete with potassium. As a person with normal kidneys, it’s important that you are having plenty of fruits and vegetables and make sure your potassium levels are normal. Some examples of potassium-rich foods are raisins, orange juice, bananas, and spinach.
Nutritional and dietary pattern
The most important natural intervention for blood pressure is the introduction or the use of dietary approaches to stopping hypertension. It’s essentially a well-balanced moderation of plenty of fruits and vegetables. It tends more towards Mediterranean dietary patterns, but also a low sodium approach.
Physical activities
Another important natural factor in reducing blood pressure is by involving in physical activities. There is couple different types that can help. One is a moderate aerobic physical activity that may include brisk walking or light jogging and the recommended guideline is 150 minutes per week. No doubt more is better from a cardiovascular perspective. But at least 150 minutes per week is the minimum you try to get on a physical basis.Â
Once you have achieved that goal another approach to physical activity is light resistance activities. So take some lightweight or choose some light bands that are much more effective in lowering your blood pressure. It’s not suggested to do this 5 to six times a week. A sweet spot for cardiovascular disease is to do lightweight workouts two to three times a week. It’s also really important as we age, we have to do more physical activity every year just to keep the muscle mass we have and this can be helpful in lowering the blood pressure.
Reduce alcohol consumption
Most recent guidelines recommend no more than one drink per day for women and no more than two alcoholic drinks per day for men to maintain normal blood pressure.
Quit smoking
Smokers have been found in studies to be at a higher risk of developing hypertension. The chemicals in cigarettes cause an increase in heart rate and vessel constriction, which cause increased blood pressure. More importantly, cigarette smoking causes stiffening of the arteries over time, which can persist for many years after quitting.Â
High blood pressure is known as a silent killer as you encounter no symptoms until you have some serious complications. It is much better to prevent high blood pressure than to take a pill. It’s shown that having your blood pressure well controlled can reduce the risk of you having a heart stroke or a heart attack by 30%. And the standard rule of thumb to reduce high blood pressure is by 70% lifestyle changes and 30% medication. Change is slow to happen, slower to notice, and even slower to become your default lifestyle. The key is to create realistic expectations for yourself to reduce your blood pressure naturally.
To learn about how to check blood pressure and how to use a glucometer, please visit the healthcare pages at
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The content of this blog post is not aimed at substituting for professional medical advice or treatment. It’s always appreciated to contact your healthcare provider before starting, shifting, or halting any health treatment.