How to choose Low-Fat Alternative foods?

Choosing low-fat alternative foods means restricting fat and often saturated fats and cholesterol. Limiting fat intake to 30% of total calories is recommended to control saturated fat intake. Low-fat diets reduce conditions like heart disease and obesity, and medics recommend it when anyone is recovering from gallbladder surgery or suffering from gallbladder or pancreatic disorders. However, for weight loss using low-fat alternative foods does not determine success unless you consider other lifestyle changes.

Limit your intake of bad fat 

Understand the sources of saturated and trans fat and limit their intake in the diet. Like, 

  • Fried food and products listing hydrogenated oil in the first few ingredients are high in bad fats. 
  • Most processed or pre-packaged snacks and junk food are high in trans fat. 
  • Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature. Dark meats, chicken and turkey skin, processed meats, and pastries like cookies and pies are all high in saturated fats.  

 Avoid or limit the intake of all these products. 

Use diets that contain good fats to fulfill your body’s needs. 

Unsaturated fats are good fat that is good for your body. These fats occur in nuts, olives, olive and peanut oil, avocado, and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring. 

Read ingredient labels to choose low-fat alternative foods

low-fat alternative foods

The best way to choose low-fat food is to check the ingredients of everything you buy. Choose foods with good fats by reading the labels before purchasing food. 

Choose low-fat and nonfat products, such as low-fat mayonnaise, low-fat or non-hydrogenated peanut butter, low-fat or fat-free salad dressings, and nonfat gravy. Look for margarine that does not contain trans fats. 

Keep a check on your daily fat intake. 

Start a log or record and get a small scale to weigh your portions and calculate your proportion of fat from each food you eat based on nutrition facts. Many phone apps can help you to record your daily fat intake. 

Avoid sweets 

Bakers use butter to make sweets like pastries, donuts, pies, cakes, and cookies to turn food tastier. So it is better to avoid them. And bake for yourself by using healthy oils for a healthier low-fat option. 

Healthy eating habits throughout the day will keep your blood sugar levels stable and keep you away from sweet cravings. 

low-fat alternative foods

Snack on vegetables and fruits 

Snacks like potato chips and crackers are often high in trans fat. The best option is to snack on fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Snack on nuts 

Almonds, walnuts, and cashews are rich in healthy fats and proteins. They are the best option as pocket snacks.  

Purchase low-fat dressings or use olive oil

Most toppings and dressings used to make salad are full of fat even in the I’m all amounts. 

  • Use olive oil or balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Olive oil contains good fat and is healthy.
  • Use nuts and olives rather than cheese bits as a salad topping.  

Choose low-fat dairy products.

Skimmed milk is as healthy as regular milk but is low in fat. Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and creams mentioned as low fat are also healthy. Please include them in your diet plan to avoid fat.  

Choose ice creams that are made by blending frozen fruits with coconut cream. 

10 Tips for Low-Fat Cooking 

Cooking meals with healthy fats can significantly decrease how much fat you eat daily. 

Invest in non-stick cookware 

Cooking in non-stick pans reduces the use of butter. If needed, use olive oil instead. 

Refrigerate the soups before eating 

Refrigerate the soups, gravies, and stews before eating, and then remove the solid fat on top to reduce the fat level of the food. 

Grill or steam instead of frying 

Bake, broil, and steam on a rack, allowing the fat to drip from the meat. Don’t fry food. 

Season your food with herbs and spices 

Sprinkle lemon juice, herbs, and spices on cooked vegetables instead of cheese, butter, or cream-based sauces. 

Choose loin and round cuts of meat. 

Meat is graded by its fat content. Prime cuts are high in fat, while loin and round cuts are low in fat. Plus, trim the visible fat and broil the meat on a rack that allows fat to drip from the meat.  

Choose white meat over red meat 

Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb are high in saturated fats, while white meats like skinless poultry and seafood are much lower options. 

Trim all visible fat and remove the skin from poultry. 

Poultry and turkey are low-fat options, but their skin contains lots of saturated fat. So remove it before cooking. 

Choose protein alternatives 

You can make delicious meals without using meat or reducing nutrients and proteins. It uses meat alternatives such as quinoa, beans, lentils, and soy. 

It’s an excellent option to replace beans or tofu for meat in soup, sandwiches, and salads. Try veggie burgers or replace ground beef with ground turkey for burgers. 

Make your low-fat snacks at home. 

You can control fat intake by making low-fat snacks at home. Instead of buying high-fat frozen and processed fries, make your own at home using olive oil. 

Use low-fat yogurt and creams. 

Try plain or low-fat yogurt and chives on baked potatoes rather than sour cream. Reduced-fat sour cream still has fat, so limit the amount you use. 


Although you can’t avoid fat altogether, several types of fats are not wrong for you. Your body needs some fat to absorb vitamins and minerals, to make many of the hormones in your body, and to keep you healthy. An adult needs an average of 2000 calories per day, and fat should constitute less than 30% of your daily calories. Ten percent should come from saturated fats, as little as from trans fat, and the rest from food or unsaturated fats. 


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