How to find your skin type?

Have you ever been at your favourite skincare store or on your favourite skincare website, perusing several products and being increasingly confused as time passed? Do the terms combination skin or oily skin make you nervous? Not to worry, we’re here to assist you precisely assess your skin type so you can have that lit-from-within skin you’ve always desired. Knowing your skin type is the most important step in determining the best strategy to care for your skin and its demands. While everyone’s skin is different, most people fall into one of five basic categories: oily, normal, combination, dry, or sensitive. Continue reading to discover out how to find your skin type.

How to find your skin type

Consider how your skin feels

It’s critical to pay attention to how your skin feels on any particular day of the week. Your skin’s texture can disclose a lot about its core character.

Combination skin

Combination skin is oily in the T-zone (the area that covers your forehead, nose, and chin) and dry everywhere else. It can also be oily and dry in separate areas of the face, but if you observe two or more different textures on your face, you have mixed skin.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is itchy, spotty, dry, and can sting at times.

Normal skin

Normal skin has an even and balanced appearance. It’s not too dry, not too greasy, and not too sensitive.

Oily skin

Oily skin will appear oily and glossy all over. If you find yourself frequently reaching for the oil blotting sheets, you most likely have oily skin.

Dry skin

Dry skin will feel tight and parched. It is typical for it to be flaky and cracked, especially during the winter.

Examine your pore size

Your pores can also reveal a lot about your skin type. Their size and proclivity to clog can reveal a lot about your skin and its oil production.

Combination skin

Combination skin occurs when pores are wide and frequently blocked around the nose but small and undetectable on the cheeks and other areas of the face.

Sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin often have normal to big pores, however this might vary depending on a possible reaction to a product or other irritant.

Normal skin

People with normal skin typically have undetectable pores.

Oily skin

People with oily skin frequently deal with big pores that become quickly clogged with sweat and oils secreted by the body.

Dry skin

People with dry skin often have narrow pores that feel uncomfortable.

Consider how your skin feels after cleansing

Combination skin

Combination skin often feels clean, relaxed, and oil-free around the nose but tight and dry around the cheeks after cleansing.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin will frequently feel clean and a little dry after washing, but the cleanser may cause itching and discomfort. This is a sign of sensitive skin if it occurs regularly and with a variety of products.

Normal skin

After cleansing, those with normal skin will notice that their skin is clean and clear. They may still require a light moisturiser, but the skin does not appear parched or sensitive.

Oily skin

After cleansing, oily skin will feel clean and oil-free, which is virtually always the fact. Oil will return shortly after cleaning.

Dry skin

Cleansing can dry up the skin, making it feel tight and dehydrated.

Consider how frequently you require moisturiser

Almost everyone requires a moisturiser to keep their skin healthy and moisturised, but how frequently you require it might reveal how good your skin is at remaining hydrated on its own as well as the type of skin you have.

Combination skin

People with combination skin may commonly need to apply moisturiser to dry portions of their face (typically the cheeks), but will rarely need it on other, oilier areas (like the T-zone).

Sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin requires moisturiser on a regular basis but it’s difficult to find one that doesn’t irritate the skin and produce a reaction.

Normal skin

People with normal skin will not need to apply moisturiser as frequently throughout the day because their skin is sufficiently hydrated on its own.

Oily skin

Moisturizer tends to make oily skin more oilier, therefore those with oily skin don’t require it as frequently during the day.

Dry skin

People with dry skin requires a lot of moisturiser throughout the day, especially upon waking up or after cleansing the face.

Skin types and how to treat them

Skin Type Combination

Because there are more oily glands around our nose than other sections of our face, most of us have mixture skin to some extent, but this skin type has it to a greater extent. Your skin is distinguished by an oily T-zone and dryness in other parts of the face.

Treatment: To keep the skin balanced, people with mixture skin should consider using different creams for different parts of the face.

Skin Type Sensitive

Many people mistakenly believe they have sensitive skin after experiencing one or two negative responses to a product. However, it is possible that the product was just incompatible with your skin or contains irritating components. Most lotions and cleansers irritate truly sensitive skin, which usually has a low level of irritation and pain at all times. It frequently causes breakouts, rashes, and red patches. Stinging, swelling, flakiness, and itching may occur. Wind, washing, and sun exposure can also cause your skin to flush red.

Treatment: This is the most fragile skin type. Find a skin care routine that works for you by patch testing products before using them to see which ones irritate your skin and which ones soothe it. Look for products that are free of aroma and harsh substances such as alcohol and menthol. Scrubs with crushed walnuts, pumice, or aluminum oxide crystals should be avoided. Use lukewarm water, not hot or cold water. Scrubbing mitts and bar soaps should also be avoided.

Skin Type Normal

Normal skin is neither excessively dry nor too oily; it sits somewhere in the middle. Your skin should have an even tone, a delicate texture, and little flakiness. In warmer weather, you may develop an oily T-zone but in general, this area is oil-free.

Treatment: Lighter lotions and serums are appropriate for your skin type because you don’t require a substantial product to maintain your skin in balance.

Skin Type Oily

People with oily skin have bigger pores and a shinier, thicker complexion. Your skin produces enough of oil, so hydration isn’t an issue. Rather, this skin type is prone to blackheads and pimples. If you’re still unsure whether you have oily skin, blot it with a tissue and if oil remains, you definitely do.

Treatment: To minimise the appearance of oil, cleanse the skin frequently and avoid heavy lotions and emollients. Look for oil-free sunscreens and lotions to avoid accidentally adding additional oil to your skin.

Skin Type Dry

Dry skin is distinguished by small pores and a general sense of tightness. Your skin has more visible creases, reduced suppleness, and a duller appearance. Flaking can occur in persons who have dry skin, however it is not always the case.

Treatment: Moisture is essential in the care of dry skin. To replenish your skin cells, apply lotions and rich creams. If your skin feels dry but you still get breakouts, you don’t have completely dry skin. Your skin may be feeling dry as a result of the things you’re using. Experiment with going without them for a few days to see if your skin improves.

The Blotting Sheet Process

Another method for determining your skin type at home is to apply a clean blotting sheet to different areas of your face. Then, expose the sheet to light to determine how much oil was absorbed. The amount of oil visible on the paper will generally determine your skin type; the more oil on the paper, the more probable you have oily skin. You most likely have dry skin if there is little to no oil visible. If the blotting sheet reveals little oil from your brow and nose, your skin type is most likely normal or combination.

How do you test your skin at home to determine your skin type?

Wash and clean your face. With a towel, pat dry. Wait around 20 minutes. Apply three strips of tape to your face: one across your brow, one down the length of your nose, and one across one of your cheeks at your jawline. After three to five minutes, remove the tapes. If you notice flakes, you have dry skin; if you see little oil droplets, you have oily skin; if you see a little of both, you have mixed skin; and if you see redness, you have sensitive skin.

How to do skincare routine for combination skin

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