How to stop breaking hair?

Do split ends make you unhappy? Is that ideal hairstyle being hindered by rough, brittle hair? Nothing is more frustrating than working toward the appearance of your dreams to keep running into obstacles due to persistent breakage. While many unavoidable circumstances, such as extreme temperature changes and environmental conditions, can contribute to breakage, there are some root causes that you can address one at a time to put an end to split ends. Continue reading to learn how to stop hair breakage.

What is “hair breakage”?

As you are clearly aware, a hair strand breaks when put under tension that it cannot sustain. You just lose a portion of the length of the strand, leaving some hair on your scalp. The length of broken hair will be shorter than the average length of your hair, making it simple to distinguish between breaking and hair loss or shedding. Additionally, they won’t have the typical little white bulb at the end of the hair that sheds normally.

Healthy strong hair structure close up realistic composition on white background vector illustrationStop hair Breakage Techniques

We’ve put together a tonne of useful advice to help you break the vicious cycle once and for all, from getting the best hair breakage treatment for your hair type to common hair breakage repair tips.

Frequently Using Hot Oil

This may be done at home and is also reasonably priced. Hot oil treatments are offered at most salons and department stores. by following these treatment regimens. You can make sure that your hair has the moisture it needs to be supple and unbreakable, deep within the roots.

Eat healthy foods

Your diet can have a significant impact on the condition of your scalp and hair. By eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, you can provide your body the nutrition it requires to function properly. The skin and hair are the first organs to start exhibiting signs of illness when the proper vitamins and minerals aren’t consumed. Drink plenty of water and be sure to get enough of rest every day.

Pick the appropriate shampoo

There are particular shampoos to use based on the type of your hair to help bring out the natural lustre, sheen, and inner strength of your hair to help it stay healthy-looking and bursting with integrity. The first step in learning how to prevent hair breakage is to look for hydrating and moisturising products, since these assists maintain your locks silky and well-nourished. The first step in learning how to prevent hair breakage is to look for hydrating and moisturising products, since these assists maintain your locks silky and well-nourished. The oils in these shampoos can help trap moisture into a weak hair shaft, so keep an eye out for shampoos that contain shea butter, coconut oil, or almond oil.

Utilize a keratin-infusing solution.

All conditioners work to deeply feed and moisturise your hair, but if your hair has been severely damaged to the point of being prone to split ends, you should choose a reparative conditioner particularly.

To avoid hair damage, put away your old hairbrushes

Yes, brushing wet hair with a regular brush can actually be rather detrimental. To gently undo any knots, grab a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush.

how to stop hair breakage

Using air drying to prevent hair damage

Whenever you can and the weather allows air dry! Once you step out of the shower, pat your hair dry with a towel or an old cotton T-shirt. After that, you can easily prevent damage by letting your hair air dry.

how to stop hair breakage

Use heat tools with caution

We adore our blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons just as much as the next person. However, when learning how to prevent hair breakage, it is crucial to recognize that heat is one of the main sources of damage.

Get out of this tight bun

Even though girls love a wonderfully unkempt, untidy bun or ponytail, the truth is that hair ties and clips can sometimes be to blame. In light of this, pull your hair back or pin it up for that workout or event, but be sure to unroll it slowly and delicately to prevent needless pulling and breaking.

To prevent hair breakage, get a trim

A trim required in every six to eight weeks, or at least once every season if you’re short on time, might be the difference between mindful regrowth and an emergency haircut due to split ends. Maintaining fresh, fray-free ends might benefit from even a quick hair dusting treatment.

how to stop hair breakage

Prevent hair breakage by deep conditioning

Include a weekly deep conditioning treatment in your hair care routine if you want to truly protect your hair from split ends, dullness, and damage.

Over-processing and over-coloring

When it comes to chemicals, there really is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Another two leading causes of hair breakage and damage are over-coloring and over-processing your hair. Your locks could become overly porous, deficient in moisture, oils, and proteins, making them fragile and brittle, if you don’t give yourself enough time between chemical treatments. This applies to both thin and thick manes, albeit thin hair may exhibit damaging symptoms quicker.

Make sure you discuss your goals for getting the healthy hair of your dreams with your stylist during the consultation portion of your appointment. As opposed to a single session, this can require several trips to the salon over a few months.


Even though it’s alluring to wash your hair as soon as you see oily roots, doing so too frequently will deplete your mane of its natural oils, resulting in dryness that prompts breaking. Depending on your hair type, we advise washing your hair once or twice a week. Use a dry shampoo if, by day two, your hair becomes greasy. Maximum oil absorption is provided by this powerful mixture, which also rapidly revitalizes hair.

Avoid toxic ingredients

The majority of hair products contain harmful components that cause your hair to become drier and less elastic.

What causes breakage at the hairline?

Some people experience hair breakage on their ends, while others experience it at their hairline. This is frequently brought on by tight, high-tension hairstyles like braids and ponytails that pull on the hair strands all around your head. Choose loose hairstyles like braids, low ponytails, and untidy buns to avoid breakage around your hairline.

In conclusion

Although hair breakage is prevalent, it can be reduced and prevented with the correct precautions. Protein and moisture are your best friends if you suspect that you have hair breakage, and you might want to take a vacation from using hot tools and getting your hair coloured for a bit. The secret to having strong, healthy strands from root to tip is always to establish a healthy and regular hair care program.

How to fix split ends without cutting them









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