How to train your dog basic commands: a comprehensive guide for every dog owner

Training your dog is one of the most rewarding experiences for any pet owner. Not only does it help build a strong bond between you and your dog and ensures your furry friend behaves well in different settings, both at home and in public. Teaching your dog basic commands is a great starting point to foster obedience and safety. These commands form the foundation for more advanced training and help in managing your dog’s behavior in everyday life. This guide’ll dive into why basic commands are essential, the most common commands you should teach, and how to train your dog using positive reinforcement. If you’re just beginning to train your dog basic commands, this article will walk you through the process step by step.

Why Training Basic Commands is Essential

Training your dog with basic commands is about more than teaching tricks; it is critical to their safety and overall behavior. Commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” can prevent dangerous situations, like running into traffic or jumping on guests. Additionally, well-trained dogs are often more relaxed, making them easier to manage in social settings.

Training also strengthens the communication between you and your dog, creating a clearer understanding of what is expected. It fosters mutual respect, giving your dog structure and boundaries, which they thrive on. Whether you have a puppy or an older dog, obedience training sets the groundwork for a well-mannered companion.

Basic Commands Every Dog Should Learn

Now that we’ve covered why it’s important, let’s look at the basic commands every dog should know:


The “sit” command is a simple and effective way to control your dog’s behavior, especially in busy or public areas. To teach your dog to sit, use treats as motivation. Start by holding a treat near your dog’s nose, then slowly move your hand upward, allowing their head to follow the treat while their bottom lowers. As soon as they sit, reward them with the treat.


The “stay” command helps keep your dog in one place, which is useful in various situations, such as preventing them from bolting through an open door. To teach this, ask your dog to sit, then take a step back while giving the “stay” command. Reward them if they don’t move. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay.


Teaching your dog to come when called is one of the most essential commands for their safety. Always make the experience positive by using treats and praise when they respond to your call. Avoid using the “come” command in negative situations, as this could make your dog hesitant to return to you.


The “down” command is useful in calming an over-excited dog. Lure your dog into a lying-down position by holding a treat before their nose and slowly moving your hand towards the ground. Once they lie down, reward them with the treat. This command can help in situations where your dog needs to settle quickly.


The “heel” command teaches your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash. This is especially helpful during walks in crowded areas. Start by holding treats at your side, and reward your dog for staying in the correct position. Over time, they will learn to walk calmly by your side.

Steps to Start Training Your Dog

When you begin to train your dog, it’s important to remember a few key principles:

Positive Reinforcement

The most effective way to train your dog is to use treats, praise, and play as rewards for good behavior. Dogs learn best when they associate following commands with positive outcomes.


Dogs thrive on consistency. Always use the same words and gestures when giving commands. This will help your dog understand what you expect from them.

Short Sessions

Keep your training sessions short, around 5 to 10 minutes. Dogs, especially puppies, have short attention spans, and keeping sessions brief will prevent them from becoming bored or frustrated.


Every dog learns at their own pace. Some commands may take longer for your dog to grasp, but with patience and persistence, they will succeed. Be calm and encouraging, even when mistakes are made.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While training your dog, avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Inconsistency: Stick to the same command words and rewards for the best results.
  • Lack of rewards: Failing to reward your dog can make them lose motivation.
  • Training for too long: Long sessions can overwhelm your dog. Keep them short and fun.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’re finding it difficult to train your dog or it’s displaying behavioral issues, it might be time to seek professional help. Professional trainers or obedience classes can provide additional guidance, especially for stubborn dogs or specific problems like aggression or anxiety.


What are the seven most important dog commands?

The seven most important dog commands include essential behaviours that every dog should learn for safety and discipline. These are “sit,” which helps control impulsive behaviors, and “stay,” which ensures the dog remains in place until released. “Come” is crucial for recalling your dog in various situations, and “down” helps calm them in stressful or excitable environments. “Heel” teaches the dog to walk beside you without pulling, while “leave it” helps prevent them from picking up harmful or unwanted objects. Finally, “off” stops your dog from jumping on people or furniture.

What is the hardest command to teach a dog?

The “stay” command is often considered the hardest to teach because it requires your dog to stay in one place, sometimes for an extended period, while resisting the urge to follow you or get distracted by their surroundings. This command tests a dog’s patience, impulse control, and ability to focus, especially in environments with distractions. Successfully teaching “stay” takes time, repetition, and gradual increases in duration and distance.

What word makes dogs calm?

The word “relax” or “settle” is commonly used to help calm dogs. When paired with a soft tone and rewarded with treats, this command can teach your dog to associate the word with moments of calm and stillness. Over time, your dog will learn to lie down or sit quietly when they hear the word, helping manage their energy in excitable or stressful situations.

How do you stop puppies from biting you?

To stop puppies from biting, redirect their attention to a chew toy whenever they attempt to bite your hands or feet. Mimicking a high-pitched “yelp” or saying “ouch” can signal to the puppy that they are playing too rough, as it mimics how their littermates would react. If the biting persists, stop playing immediately to show that this behavior ends the fun. Consistency in these reactions is key to teaching your puppy that biting is unacceptable.

What is a unique dog trick?

One unique dog trick is teaching your dog to “play dead,” where it rolls onto its back and stays still, pretending to be lifeless. Another fun trick is “spin,” where your dog twirls in a circle on command. These tricks showcase agility and obedience, providing a fun way to engage and challenge your dog beyond basic commands.

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