September 29, 2022

How to Treat Frostbite in Chickens?

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How to Treat Frostbite in Chickens?

Frostbite is damage that happens to exposed body tissues in cold weather. Chickens are athletic animals that can cope well with freezing temperatures, and the coops are often sufficient for them. But in frigid weather, frostbite threatens chickens and results in pain, stiffness, and discomfort, plus infertility in roosters and diminished egg production in hens. Therefore, knowing the causes and treatment of frostbite in chickens surely helps reduce the risk and permanent damage. Let us discover effective ways to treat frostbite in chickens and learn essential steps to safeguard your flock’s health during cold weather.  

A Comprehensive Guide on Preventing and Treating Frostbite in Chickens”

Most affected parts of the chicken

The chicken combs, wattles, lobes, and feet are the parts that are most affected by frostbite. 

Causes of frostbite in chicken

Nature packed the chicken’s body with a heat-conserving mechanism. In cold weather, the mechanism conserves heat by constricting the blood flow to the body’s extremities, like the wattle, comb, and feet. As a result, the body’s extremities become cold and cause frostbite in those areas.

Another cause of frostbite in chickens is drinking water that drips down from the beak onto wattles and makes them susceptible to frostbite.

Chickens that are more vulnerable to frostbite

  • Chickens having large combs and wattles are more vulnerable to frostbite than others. 
  • Due to their prominent outgrowths, single-comb breeds of chicken are at higher risk of frostbite.
  • With their large combs and wattles, the roosters insist on guarding the border of coops, making them more vulnerable to frostbite.

treat frostbite in chicken

Symptoms of frostbite in chicken

  • Tissue changes color from white, and pale to greyish-yellow or black depending on the severity of the condition.
  • Affected parts feel cold and may be hard to touch
  • Swelling
  • Blisters appear on tissue that is often filled with clear fluid.
  • Loss of appetite in chicken
  • General listlessness

When to seek medical treatment

Often the frostbite in chicken goes untreated and reverses on its own. But if severe cases of frostbite go untreated, it may cause the affected area to dry out and fall off. If this happens, check the chicken for infection. Start treatment as you observe the affected area’s crust, blood, or pus. The infected areas are often warm to the touch. 

How to treat frostbite in chicken?

Move the chicken to a vacant and warm place.

Remove the chicken from the coop and place it in a warm, comfortable, and alone place where the other chickens can’t peck at the injury.

treat frostbite in chickens

Avoid massaging and rubbing the frostbitten area.

It worsens the condition as the rubbing and massaging will further damage the frozen areas of the chicken.

Avoid direct heat

Placing the chicken directly in front of the heat source is prohibited, as it will cause tissue burns.

Avoid popping the blisters.

Do not rupture any unbroken blisters on the affected area of the chicken. It will increase the risk of infection.

Wash the affected area with lukewarm warm

Once the chicken is inside and warmed up, gently wash the affected area with lukewarm water and Epsom salt. Avoid using hot water, which may cause burns.

For combs and wattles, soak a soft cloth in warm water and gently dab the affected areas to warm up the tissue slowly.

Dry the affected area and place the chicken in a box

Use a soft towel, gently tap dry the affected area, and place the chicken alone in a box with plenty of towels.

Hydrate the chicken

Add vitamins and electrolytes to the drinking water and place them in the box. It may help reduce cold injuries.

Treat infection immediately

After cleaning warm water and drying, consider applying an antibiotic to the infectious area.

Remove the infected flesh.

If the infected area does not heal in a week, it’s time to trim the infected tissue. You can remove the chicken’s comb and wattle pieces using a sharp pair of scissors. Make sure to clean the area with alcohol or antiseptic before cutting. Apply a healthy amount of antibiotic cream when the bleeding stops. To remove the chicken’s feet, get assistance from a vet. 

Preventive measures to avoid frostbite on chicken

  • Do not cover drafty windows with towels, as they will retain moisture and cause frostbite in the cold coop.
  • Install dropping boards to eliminate the humidity inside the coop every day.
  • Keep drinking water out of the coop, as the chickens do not drink or eat at night.
  • Using sand as litter in the coop helps reduce the moisture content in the cage as sand evaporates moisture more rapidly. 
  • Apply wax-based product on feet, comb, and chicken wattles on freezing nights to prevent frostbite.


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