Chicken & sausage pie







Cook Time

115-120 Min


For the pastry

  • 150g/5oz butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 450g/1lb plain flour
  • 1 tablespoon dried mixed herbs
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 egg, beaten

For the filling

  • 450g/1lb spinach
  • freshly grated nutmeg
  • 450g/1lb skinless chicken breast fillet, cubed
  • 225g/8oz sausage meat
  • 1 bunch of spring onions, chopped
  • 25g/1oz chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 4 fresh apricots, stoned and chopped
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas mark 6. Grease a 23cm/9in round loose-bottomed cake tin with butter.
  • For the pastry, mix together the flour and herbs, and season with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a pan with 250ml/9fl oz water, then bring to the boil. Quickly stir in the flour mixture, mixing to form a soft dough. Cool slightly, then turn out and knead briefly on a lightly floured work surface. Wrap in cling film and leave to cool.
  • To make the filling, wash the spinach, then place in a large pan with no water and cook, covered, for 5 minutes until the spinach is wilted and tender. Drain well, pressing out any excess liquid. Chop, then season to taste with nutmeg, salt and pepper.
  • Put the chicken in a bowl with the sausage meat, spring onions, parsley, apricots, lemon zest and egg. Combine thoroughly with your hands. Add the spinach, season with salt and pepper, and mix well.
  • Roll out two-thirds of the pastry and use to line the prepared cake tin. Fill the pastry with the chicken mixture.
  • Dampen the pastry edges, then roll out the remaining pastry to cover the pie, pinching the edges together to seal.
  • Bake in the oven for 1–11⁄4 hours until golden. Leave to cool in the tin for 20 minutes, then remove and cool completely before serving.
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