How to Increase your Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to a series of chemical reactions in our body to sustain the continuity of life. Boosting your metabolism will give you more energy, help you lose and maintain weight, and help you sleep better while burning more calories before bed. By making simple changes in our diet and lifestyle, we can improve the speed of body metabolism.

♦How do you relate metabolism, calories, and basal metabolic rate?

Metabolism is accountable for the breakdown of larger molecules in the food we eat into smaller ones that can be used by our body cells as fuel to accomplish basic tasks. It also accounts for the release of a specific amount of energy called calories used to walk, move, circulate blood, digest food, maintain body temperature, repair cells, and remove wastes from our body through excretion and respiration. The number of calories you burn to perform basic daily tasks is called the basal metabolic rate “BMR” or resting metabolic rate “RMR” if you lay in bed all day. Many factors influence the BMR, including gender, age, sex, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity, and thyroid gland hormones.

♦How to increase your metabolism through physical activities: 

Simply standing too is an exercise: 

Alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes. A low-intensity activity like standing helps tone your muscles and boost your metabolism. At work, you’ll probably switch to a standing desk or take standing breaks throughout the day. 

Don’t wish for it; work for it: 

Muscle burns more than twice as many calories as fat. Therefore, the more muscle strength you have, the more calories you burn. Include weight training into your routine to build muscle mass that helps you burn more calories and increase your metabolism. You burn six calories per pound of muscle and two per pound of fat daily. So, work on improving the muscle-to-fat ratio of your body.  

Two minutes workouts: 

Working out twice daily also improves your overall performance and boosts your metabolic rate. For example, weights in the morning and cardio at night, pushing exercises in the morning and pulling exercises at night, or lower body in the morning and upper body at night. 

Sweat, smile, and repeat: 

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, or biking almost every day will increase your heart rate and help your body burn more calories and fat. 

Do a breathing exercise: 

Certain breathing techniques can calm your nervous system and boost your metabolism. Press the left nostril with your finger to close it completely. Then breathe in and out through your right nostril at least 25 times. Repeats this exercise about four times a day.

♦How to increase metabolism by staying hydrated:

Take bedtime water instead of tea:

Drinking water as soon as you wake up can stimulate your body’s metabolic rate. When you sleep, your body’s metabolism slows down, and unless you wake up in the middle of the night and drink water, you are not drinking liquids. Get into the habit of drinking water instead of tea before going to bed.

Drink enough water:

The body needs water to process fiber and calories. Dehydration slows down your metabolism. Drink a glass of iced water before each meal or snack. Every 8 ounces of ice water will burn 25 calories, while 8 ounces of room-temperature water will burn 16 calories.

Take coffee:

Drinking coffee in moderation can boost your metabolism in the short term and increase your persistence during exercise.

Take green tea:

Green tea boosts metabolism for several hours due to catechins’ active ingredient, helping the body burn more calories during moderately strenuous activity.

Energy drinks:

Energy drinks contain caffeine and Taurine that boosts your metabolism. However, energy drinks have been found to cause problems such as high blood pressure, sleep disturbances, and stress.

♦How to increase metabolism by food intake: 

Wake up its food o’clock: 

Eat whenever you are hungry. Meal frequency and metabolism have nothing to do with each other. Follow a meal plan that fits your needs. Six small meals may be a good option if you’re worried about overeating. Increasing your fiber input will burn more calories during digestion. 

Don’t skimp on calories: 

Many believe eating as few calories as possible is the best solution to becoming slim and smart. Skimp on calories is not the right path for quick and noticeable weight loss. If you want to weigh less, don’t eat less. Not eating enough can cause your body to lose muscle mass, decrease metabolic rate, and have the opposite effect on body weight. So, eat enough to keep up your metabolic rate and drive you fit and healthy. 

Add protein to your diet: 

You burn calories in digestion, which is called the thermal effect of food TEF. As your body breaks down food, calorie burning process boosts your metabolic rate. High-protein foods boost your metabolism even more than high-carbohydrate or high-fat foods. Foods high in protein that increase your metabolic rate are as under: 

  • Nuts 
  • Chicken breast 
  • Ground turkey 
  • Beans 
  • Eggs 
  • Poultry fish 
  • Seafood 
  • dairy products 

Spice it up: 

Capsaicin is the ingredient in chili peppers that makes them so spicy and can increase the metabolic rate to a lesser extent. Spicy foods only boost your metabolism for a short period. This may not be the best option if you want a long-term solution. 

Say no to junk food and carbonated drinks: 

If you notice added sugars or trans fats on the food ingredients list, try limiting your intake or eliminating them from your diet entirely. Cakes, cookies, frozen pizza, carbonated drinks, and fast food are all high in sugar and trans fat. Skip them from your diet; otherwise, they make you fat. 

Say no to processed food: 

They contain little or no nutrients or vitamins packed with salt, sugar, and fat. These foods taste lavish but make you hungry, leading to weight gain. Avoid sweet baked goods, sodas, candy, potato chips, and other processed foods to stay healthy and motivated all day.  

Eat best, not less:  

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. Balance your feasts with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. A balanced diet includes a wide spread of foods from all different categories. Make sure you eat 2 to 3 meals daily, including healthy foods from all food groups.

♦Sleep tight and stop sleeping:

What does this mean? Is this a writing mistake? No dear. You are reading just right. Sleep seven to nine hours at night and stop sleeping during the day. Lack of sufficient sleep at night may reduce your body’s ability to utilize sugar for fuel, making you obese. Sleeping during the day burns fewer calories than sleeping at night because the schedule messes with the body’s internal clock, which plays a significant role in metabolism. If you have no choice but to sleep during the day, aim to cut 50-60 calories from your daily diet.

♦Laughter therapy:

Just follow these simple steps to increase your metabolic rate. Smile first, then giggle, then laugh slowly, gradually increase volume and tempo. Stress can cause the body to metabolize food more slowly. To make matters more alarming, the food we crave when stressed out tends to be fatty and full of sugar can result in considerable weight gain. So, give laughter therapy a try to overcome stress.


The boost in metabolic rate leads to increased body functioning, repairing, and thus overall health. To increase your metabolic rate, improve your diet and exercise more, and give Your body time to adjust to new patterns, so go slow. Store your home refrigerator with nutritional snacks and avoid unhealthy foods.


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