How to fall asleep fast

If you’ve ever experienced insomnia, you might be interested in learning how to do so more quickly. Even if your unique traits and requirements can affect your sleep patterns, using a few tried-and-true techniques may make it easier for you to get to sleep soundly.

The secret to falling asleep quickly is to relax. Relaxation gets your body and mind ready to fall asleep. We’ll go over a number of practises that can aid with sleep promotion, such as guided imagery, breathing exercises, and meditation.\

How Much Time Should Pass Before Falling Asleep?

The length of time it takes to fall asleep is referred to as sleep latency, or sleep onset latency. Typically, a healthy sleep latency time lasts between 10 and 20 minutes1. This period is not the time spent getting ready for bed, such as taking a shower, brushing your teeth, or doing meditation, but rather the time spent attempting to fall asleep once in bed2.

According to the National Sleep Foundation3, a sleep onset latency of 15 minutes or less is considered healthy, one between 16 and 30 minutes is considered to be generally acceptable, and one greater than 45 minutes is a sign of poor sleep quality. Sleep latency that is very long or short may point to problems with sleep quality.

The Duration of Sleep and General Sleep Health

If it takes you fewer than ten minutes to fall asleep, you might be sleep deprived. On the other hand, taking too long to fall asleep is regarded as an indicator of bad sleep5 and is thought to be a symptom of insomnia4.

Sleep efficiency6, a metric for sleep quality that measures the proportion of time spent sleeping as opposed to lying in bed, is likewise impacted by sleep delay. Longer sleep latency durations are by definition associated with less restful sleep.

Many people with insomnia have trouble turning off their worries when they try to fall asleep. A good sleeper may swiftly shift at bedtime from ordinary wakeful thought to a calmer, more image-focused state. Contrarily, a person with insomnia may stay up all night thinking or planning7, which keeps them from sleeping.

Tips for Falling Asleep Fast

The relaxation response is a state of calmness that can be induced by using methods for falling asleep more quickly9. Deep breathing and concentrated attention are frequently utilised as components of relaxation techniques10. These approaches may aid in reducing pain, tension, anxiety, and other illnesses that can interfere with sleep, according to some studies, however further research is required.

Set aside time for soothing activities that suit your sleep patterns as part of your nighttime routine. In order to get the necessary amount of sleep for your age group, remember to start your bedtime ritual early enough.

The Military Method

Military personnel frequently have unpredictable schedules and unfavourable sleeping environments, which might interfere with their sleep patterns12. A procedure known as the military method13 was created to aid soldiers in falling asleep in two minutes. The following steps are part of this process:

Take a comfortable stance and relax your brow, eyes, jaw, lips, and other facial muscles.

Drop your shoulders first, then let your arms hang at your sides.

Start inhaling deeply to relax your chest.

Beginning at your hips and moving down each leg to your feet, begin relaxing your lower body.

To calm your thoughts, picture a serene environment, such as a picturesque landscape, a tranquil lake, or a warm room in your house. Recognize any distracting ideas you may have and make an effort to get over them. It may be challenging to visualise; if this is the case, repeat a short phrase to yourself, such as “don’t think,” to help you focus.

Peaceful Music

It can be challenging to fall asleep peacefully quickly in a busy environment14. You can discover that calming music will help you unwind and filter out outside noises in addition to decreasing any unneeded or unpleasant noises15. To establish a habit for yourself, think about making a playlist that corresponds with the ideal 10 to 20 minute sleep latency window and listening to it each night. Some people also promote the advantages of white noise for sleeping if you find music to be too distracting16.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In order to reduce physical stress, progressive muscle relaxation17 combines breathing techniques along with muscular contraction and release. Progressive muscle relaxation tries to encourage relaxation by gradually going through all of the main muscle groups. The following steps are part of this process:

Close your eyes as you lay in bed and start taking calm, deep breaths.
Ten seconds later, tense your face muscles. Breathe deeply several times to release the stress.
After that, ten seconds later, relax your shoulder muscles. Deeply inhale and exhale.
Start with your shoulders and work your way down to your feet by repeating this action for all other muscle groups in your body. Any pain-filled places should be left out.

Directed Imagery

In order to prepare your mind and body for sleep, it can be helpful to recall a tranquil memory or visualise a serene environment. To fully immerse oneself in an imagined environment, take slow, deep breaths and concentrate on sensory elements, including sights, sounds, and scents. You might find it useful to focus your thoughts by using a pre-recorded soundtrack. Online, guided imagery soundtracks are commonly accessible.


You might fall asleep more quickly if you use meditation techniques for getting restful sleep. Particularly mindfulness meditation18 has demonstrated promising outcomes for enhancing sleep.

The fundamental principles of mindfulness meditation are relaxing by paying attention to the present and letting go of judgement. When used before going to bed, mindfulness may lessen daydreaming and make it simpler to let go of unpleasant feelings in order to fall asleep19.


According to a 2014 study, mindfulness meditation can help persons with chronic insomnia sleep better and spend less time awake in bed. When using meditation techniques for the first time, you could discover that it takes longer to relax. You can start to relax more easily and go to sleep after you get used to the procedure.

Read also: How To Put A Baby To Sleep In 40 Seconds

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