Most of us frequent the gym frequently to gain muscle. It’s the guiding light that keeps us motivated to put up the effort in our strenuous workouts, which many others think are ridiculous, but how can we build muscle efficiently? The question that so many lifters struggle with is that one. 


Patience is overrated, especially in the kitchen and the gym where athletes often have a clear goal in mind: learning how to gain muscle. 


How do you improve your outcomes? Here are nine pointers to help you learn how to gain muscle. 


     1. Train Heavy 

A key factor in determining hypertrophy is training volume, which is calculated by multiplying your number of reps by your number of sets (muscle volume growth). And contrary to what you might think, you might need to drop your weight in order to gain volume. 


     2. Eat More Protein 

Protein helps to rebuild your muscles after strength training. According to Fitzgerald, muscle-building nutrients become more significant when calculating protein intake to bolster recuperation the more challenging your lifting workouts are. 


     3. Sleep Enough 

In order to rehabilitate muscles, proper nutrition is not enough. Fitzgerald estimates that it takes about eight hours per night to dedicate to healing. After all, human growth hormone, which promotes muscular growth and regulates cortisol levels, is released by your body when you sleep. 


     4. Have A Drink Before 

According to a 2001 University of Texas study, lifters who consumed an amino acid and carbohydrate smoothie prior to working out improved their protein synthesis more than those who consumed the same mix following exercise. 

 The smoothie had 35 grammes of carbs and 6 grammes of necessary amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein for muscles. 


     5. Challenge Yourself And Do Progressive Load 

Pushing your muscles to tackle progressively tougher difficulties is one of the keys to muscle growth, as we previously said. Most people who work out at the gym assume that means you must lift more weight throughout each workout. Samuel explains that’s just not true. It gets harder to just add additional weight to the bar at some point, he explains. If it weren’t for that, everyone would be able to bench 300 pounds. 

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