How To Start A Hobby And Stick With IT?

Like most people, we spend some time in January thinking back on the year that has passed and planning how to live well in the one that is yet to come. One of the top goals for the new year can be learning a new sport or activity, and the challenge can be quite rewarding. However, beginning something new can also be frightening and fleeting.

We made a point of starting some new activities last year, and Valerie and I would want to offer some advice to you on how to do so.

1. First Of All, Make A List

Go berserk! On a piece of paper, list all the pursuits you’ve ever desired to pursue. Don’t restrict yourself or consider whether ideas are genuinely feasible; we’ll talk about it later. Just enjoy yourself and be open to the possibilities! Once you have your list, review it and start circling any items that particularly jump out to you. Take note of any trends that might emerge.

2. Visualize the end result

Asking yourself “what do you want to achieve with this new interest” will help you focus your list. Do you wish to become more active and exercise more frequently? Do you intend to exercise your creative side this year? Do you want to read more? Interested in making new friends? Focus on the things that matter most to you.

3. Be Realistic

If your initial aim is to get up at 6:00 every day, it can be intimidating. Take tiny steps! Setting unreasonable standards will only result in disappointment and eventual giving up of your new activity. Establish what is reasonable given your circumstances. That can entail setting aside time each week for a tennis lesson, allocating an hour on Wednesdays for an online lettering course, or committing to scrapbooking on Saturdays. Schedule them in your planner and use your time wisely.

4. Look for New Year’s specials

Because there are so many fantastic sales and coupons in January, it’s the ideal time to start a new pastime! Look into local deals and those offered by cheap websites like Groupon. In addition to getting a great offer, most discounts have a deadline, which will encourage you to get going.

5. Find a Friend

Find out if any of your friends are interested in the same thing by asking around. It can be significantly less scary to try new activities with a friend. Additionally, someone will be watching out for you and make sure you arrive on time. We adore the online community that develops around people who attempt The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering; sharing your drawing progress is a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet people in a new group.

6. Remove the pressure of perfect

Don’t give up; the point is to try something you’ve never done before, so you probably won’t start out at the top. Simply enjoy this new chance and let go of your expectations. In the end, you’ll feel so proud of yourself, and it will have been worthwhile just to try something new. Make it a goal of yours to engage in one new activity this year! We’re confident you won’t regret stepping outside of your comfort zone and challenging yourself—it can bring you so much happiness and confidence!

What new interests are you interested in trying this year? Tell us in the remarks section below! We would adore supporting you!


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