Redcurrant filo baskets







Cook Time

10-15 Min


  • 3 sheets filo pastry
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
  • 175g/6oz redcurrants
  • 250ml/9fl oz Greek-style yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon icing sugar
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas mark 6. Cut the sheets of filo pastry into 18 squares measuring 10cm/4in.
  • Brush each filo square very thinly with the oil, then arrange 3 squares in each hole of a six-hole muffin tin, placing each one at a different angle so that they form star-shaped baskets. Bake for 6–8 minutes until crisp and golden. Lift the baskets out carefully. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
  • Set aside a few redcurrants for decoration, and stir the rest into the Greek yogurt. Spoon the mixture into the filo baskets. Decorate with the reserved redcurrants, and sprinkle with the icing sugar to serve.
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