September 10, 2022

How to wash your face (10 rules of washing do’s and don’ts)

How to wash your face (10 rules of washing do’s and don’ts)?

Consider everything you do in a day, from getting up in the morning to going to bed. You presumably held your phone to your ear, walked in the sun, worked up a sweat, and repeatedly touched your face. All of these factors have affected your facial skin, and with all that your face goes through in a day, you must take care of it and maintain it healthy. The frequency with which you wash your face may be less significant than how you do it. It could also mean the difference between radiant skin and an acne breakout. Many people assume that if you don’t wear makeup or exercise, you don’t need to wash your face twice a day but be cautious, a nighttime washing practice is essential regardless of your skin type or condition. It is strongly advised that you wash your face twice every day. Master the art of face washing with our guide. Discover How to wash your face (10 rules of washing do’s and don’ts).

Rule #1 (DO): Remove your makeup and do it right

This is especially true at night when washing away. After spending so much time perfecting your makeup, cleaning it all away in seconds could be painful. We understand how you feel. However, the risks of sleeping with makeup on are much too numerous.

The first step in cleansing your face is to remove all pollutants such as makeup, pollution, grime, sebum, and sweat. And, no, your facial cleanser will not suffice. If you don’t already have one, it’s time to invest in a mild makeup remover.

Rule # 2(Don’t):  To clean your face, avoid using rough bar soap

Unless carefully made for the face, bar soaps can change the pH balance of the skin, allowing bacteria and yeast to proliferate. It’s no surprise that facial cleansers, particularly washing balms, are designed for sensitive skin.

How to wash your face (10 rules of washing do’s and don’ts)

Rule # 3 (DO): Use lukewarm water

Hot water dries out the skin, removes natural oils, and enlarges pores. Hot water can also irritate skin tissue, causing acne flare-ups. Begin by soaking your face with lukewarm water. Apply a cream cleanser and rinse with cool water; nevertheless, experts suggest that cold water is preferable because it refreshes the skin without restricting blood flow.

Water temperature extremes might create irritation, so it’s best to stay in the medium. When you look up, you don’t want to see heated skin in your mirror.

Rule # 4: (DO):  Separate your towels

Using the same set of towels to wipe your body and your face is simply unacceptable. You may be in a hurry to get started with your day, but your skin needs a little more care. Even though your body is clean and freshly cleansed, microbes are always present. Transferring them to your face is the biggest temptation to acne and outbreaks.

Rule # 5: (Do): Use the recommended quantity of cleanser

If you’re wondering why your cleanser isn’t performing as well as it should, have a look at how much you’re using. It may be tempting to use less than suggested for expensive cleansers in order to extend use or save money.  When in doubt, consult the label to determine the appropriate amount. Products are frequently subjected to trials and experiments in order to determine the most effective (and safe) amount for widespread use.

Cleaning products to avoid:
  • soap bars
  • scented or coloured
  • abrasive, foaming cleaners
  • exfoliating cleansers for everyday use

How to wash your face (10 rules of washing do’s and don’ts)

Rule # 6 (Do): Keep your hands clean

To clean your skin properly, remove pollutants, apply cleanser with your fingers, and gently massage in slow circular motions. Consider your hand to be a repository of germs and bacteria that have amassed over the course of the day. You’re kneading it all into your skin, gradually transforming it into a breeding ground for additional bacteria and a variety of skin issues.

Rule # 7 (Don’t): Avoid using alcohol-based skin care products like the plague.

When it comes to using goods with and without alcohol, there is no shortage of controversy. Some alcoholic components, on the other hand, are utilised to slow down water loss in the skin. Some alcohols contained in anti-bacterial creams, on the other hand, can reduce surface oil on your skin while also drying it out, which can contribute to skin dehydration and irritation.

“There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to alcohol-containing items,” stated makeup artist. “It’s really all about figuring out what works best for you and getting rid of what doesn’t.”

Rule # 8 (Don’t): not to forget moisturising

Along with toning, make sure you’re keeping your skin hydrated. If your skin feels dry after washing, consider switching cleansers. Choose a gentle cleanser or an oil-based cleanser.

Moisturizers are most effective on moist skin. Products containing hyaluronic acid work to attract moisture in the skin, creating a plumping effect. To lock in moisture, apply moisturiser immediately after toner or serum. Pay careful attention to the skin around the eyes, which is the most fragile.

Rule # 9: (Do): Use toner

Although it is not technically a stage in face washing, many people overlook the importance of what follows: rebalancing your skin.

Toners are light, liquid formulations that were originally intended to reset the pH of your skin so that it could defend itself from bacteria and injury. Many toners now include additional benefits that address specific issues.

Look for substances such as:

  • Rosewater contains anti-aging effects.
  • Chamomile is well-known for its relaxing properties.
  • To help fight acne, use salicylic acid or witch hazel.

To use toner, dab some on a cotton ball and glide it over problem areas, such as an oily T-zone.

Rule # 10 (Do): Consult your health care provider

You are the most familiar with your skin because you have examined it every day since discovering your reflection. You know what products you like and detest, as well as how your face feels at the end of the day. However, there may be instances when you need to consult with your doctor about modifying your routine or obtaining prescription-strength products.

If you experience redness, dryness, or rough spots that have appeared suddenly, you should consult your health care physician. If you have acne that isn’t clearing up after trying several various treatments, you may need something stronger. Your skin will change, especially during pregnancy or stressful times, so keep an open line of communication with your provider about any concerns you have about your skin care programme.


All of this is to imply that washing is only the first step in keeping the natural state of your skin.

The rest is up to all of the other serums, moisturisers, mists, face masks, and so forth. Furthermore, the food you eat, how you exercise, and your stress levels all have an impact.

Identifying your cleansing objectives is the greatest method to determine how you should wash your face. Do you want it to be simple, one-step, and done once a day? Then, decide your constraints, such as skin type, water purity, and pricing range, and proceed accordingly.

How to make a face mask for acne









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