How To Cure Hiccups?

Hiccups are referred to in medicine as singultus. According to physiology, a hiccup happens when the intercostal and diaphragm muscles suddenly contract uncontrollably Trusted Source. When the vocal folds close and the larynx, also known as the voice box, contracts simultaneously, the airway is effectively closed. People may discover that hiccups quickly become annoying because they frequently happen suddenly. Even though hiccups usually go away on their own with time, some people may try a number of strange and inventive methods to do so. Discover effective methods on how to cure hiccups instantly. Tried-and-true remedies to stop hiccups and regain comfort.

The causes, treatments, and prevention of hiccups are covered in this article. Additionally, it discusses persistent hiccups, newborn hiccups, and provides some frequently asked questions.

Causes of hiccups

It’s not always clear what causes hiccups. Hiccups, however, may result from any disorder that agitates the diaphragmatic nerves. Numerous additional elements may possibly be at play.

The National Organization for Rare Disorders lists the following as potential hiccup triggers:

  • Consuming hot food
  • Consuming warm liquids
  • Eating a substantial meal
  • Consuming carbonated liquids
  • Eating too quickly
  • Taking specific drugs

Strong emotions or stress are additional potential triggers.


Hiccups typically disappear on their own within a few minutes in the great majority of situations. Hiccups can be made less frequent by treating any underlying problems that contribute to them. The home treatments and advice listed below can help you deal with a case of the hiccups.

Breathing and posture

No matter where they are when they start, they can try:

  • Breathing in, holding it for approximately 10 seconds, then inhaling twice more and exhaling
  • Attempting to breathe into a paper bag while being careful not to enclose the head in the bag
  • Embracing them and bringing the knees to the chest
  • Leaning forward, softly compressing the chest

How To Cure Hiccups

A meal and a beverage

Several methods for preventing hiccups recommend eating and drinking. They consist of:

  • Using chilled water to gargle
  • Putting a few vinegar drops in the mouth
  • Swallowing some granulated sugar after placing it on the tongue
  • Drinking ice-cold water gradually
  • Biting a lemon slice

Squeezing points

Other methods that might be effective for certain persons are:

  • Gently tugging the tongue may activate the vagus nerve and relieve diaphragm spasms.
  • Mild pressure on the diaphragm
  • During swallowing, gently press each side of the nose.


A doctor may prescribe medication if the hiccups are severe or chronic and other therapies have failed. If someone is, they might believe that this is their best choice.

  • Being overweight as a result of improper eating
  • Unusual sleeping patterns or insomnia
  • Feeling depressive symptoms

The physician might suggest a number of drugs, including:

  • A muscle relaxant called baclofen (Lioresal)
  • Antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine (Largactil)
  • Clinicians initially utilized gabapentin (Neurontin) to treat epilepsy
  • Haloperidol (Haldol), a psychoactive drug
  • Metoclopramide (Reglan), a drug that also combats motion sickness


Most hiccup cases are brought on by specific factors. By avoiding the following, people may be able to lessen their likelihood of experiencing hiccups:

  • Consuming food or liquids too rapidly
  • Consuming alcohol or carbonated drinks
  • Consuming hot food
  • Smoking
  • Eating or drinking something extremely cold following something extremely hot, or vice versa, causes the stomach’s temperature to change abruptly.
  • Gum chewing

Sometimes an underlying medical issue, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, can cause hiccups (GERD). In such circumstances, a person may be able to avoid hiccups by treating the underlying disease.


Babies frequently have hiccups, which are a normal component of their growth and ordinarily do not bother them. Hiccups, however, might occasionally make it difficult to eat or sleep.

If hiccups happen during a feeding, they might be eliminated by:

  • Adjusting the infant’s position
  • The infant gurgles
  • Soothing the infant

Babies who hiccup frequently may have a medical issue. If the baby’s hiccups are persistent or bother him or her, parents or other caretakers should consult a doctor.

How To Cure Hiccups

Recurrent hiccups and a world record

Charles Osborne holds the record for the longest hiccup attack according to Guinness World Records. He hiccuped nonstop from 1922 until 1990, a span of 68 years.

Hiccups that linger for longer than 48 hours are, nevertheless, considered chronic or persistent by doctors. If hiccups persist for more than a month, they are untreatable.

The quality of life of an individual may be negatively impacted by both chronic and uncontrollable hiccups. Chronic hiccups can cause fatigue, insomnia, and weight loss if they make it difficult for a person to eat.

There are numerous potential reasons of chronic hiccups, including:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Lesions or tumors
  • Aberrant metabolic processes
  • Abnormalities of the digestive system

Frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions about hiccups are addressed below.

How can you rapidly get rid of hiccups?

There is no surefire way to suddenly stop having hiccups.

But the following strategies might be useful:

  • Inhaling via a paper bag
  • Unable to breathe
  • Swallowing or sipping cold water gradually
  • Biting a lemon slice
  • Examining a vinegar drip
  • Swallowing sugar granules

What causes hiccups most frequently?

There are numerous causes of hiccups. Bloating of the stomach brought on by consuming a fizzy beverage or eating a substantial meal is the most typical reason.

Are hiccups harmful?

The act of hiccupping is not harmful.

Hiccups, however, may impair a person’s quality of life if they become persistent.

Are persistent hiccups an indication of a more serious condition?

Frequent hiccups might occasionally be a sign of a medical problem. Numerous conditions have been linked to persistent hiccups, including:

  • Liver cancer
  • Tumors
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hepatitis


The normal duration of hiccups is a few minutes before they go away on their own.

Hiccups can be treated with a variety of methods, though. Try techniques like holding your breath, drinking ice-cold water, or biting a lemon slice.

Hiccups can occasionally become chronic and persist for more than 48 hours. A doctor may need to perform additional testing to identify the reason of persistent or recurrent hiccups.

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