When you notice a highlighter stain on your clothing, it’s understandable to become alarmed. Well, it’s not really a huge deal. It can be removed with some work, but the repairs need to be made right away.

The three best methods for removing stains from clothing are hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol sprayed over the spot, and stain removers. And if you like, you can also get rid of those stains using other straightforward techniques like using baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice.

Rubbing alcohol:

When considering any stain, rubbing alcohol is arguably the most frequently used product. Before doing anything, make sure to take certain safety measures.

  • Start by setting down a fresh paper towel on the table. On the dry paper towel, place the discolored spot. Ink will be absorbed from any excess.
  • Pour copious amounts of rubbing alcohol into a dish. After that, slowly clean the stained area with a sponge that has been dipped in alcohol. Alcohol should disperse in a circular pattern.
  • The final step requires you to re-soak the sponge in the alcohol. This time, dab precisely over the highlighter stain. Repeat the process if necessary.
  • Wash your items with ordinary detergent as the last step. Use warm water to wash it. then typically let the dress air dry. Before beginning this process, make sure there are no ink stains still present.

Utilize Dishwashing Soap

If everything else fails, try pouring laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid straight on the stain and letting it sit overnight to remove it. then wash as usual the following morning!

Use a tablet of vitamin C

Try soaking the stained area in a bowl of cold water with a vitamin C tablet if none of the aforementioned remedies work. While lemon juice works just as well, vitamin C is kinder to fabrics and will stop color bleeding if you’re concerned about highlighter stains on your clothes.

Employ salt water

Even while stain removers are frequently essential, you might not always have any on hand. Make a saltwater solution in this situation, then soak your clothes in it for an hour before washing them as usual.

Utilize a Tide To Go Pen

Concerned about stains from highlighters? At work, have a tide-to-go pen in your desk or purse. It is lightweight and effective at getting rid of most ink stains. Additionally, it can be used on any type of fabric without causing stains. Simply apply the pen to the stain and hold it there for 30 seconds. Then, use a dry cloth or cotton swab to remove any last traces of highlighter.

Apply hairspray

Because it also contains alcohol, hairspray is a fantastic alternative agent to erase highlighter stains off clothing. Spray hairspray on the stain, and then use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any extra hairspray or ink. After that, you can wash your item as usual in warm water to remove any last traces of ink and hairspray.

Use a white eraser or pencil eraser to clean

If neither of the aforementioned items is available, try removing the highlighter stain with a white eraser instead. Simply apply pressure to the stained area and rub until all highlighters are gone. Try a regular pencil eraser if there is any color left.

Baking soda usage

The highlighter should be thoroughly dusted with baking soda before being left overnight. Use a firm brush to scrub the entire item thoroughly in the morning. Wash thoroughly, then hang to dry. Continue until no more color is visible.

Apply hairspray

Because it also contains alcohol, hairspray is a fantastic alternative agent to erase highlighter stains off clothing. Spray hairspray on the stain, and then use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away any extra hairspray or ink. After that, you can wash your item as usual in warm water to remove any last traces of ink and hairspray.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice naturally has the power to get rid of some stains, including ink, sweat, and mildew. You probably already know all about lemon juice if you’ve ever considered giving up the commercial cleaning products in your home in favor of cleaning and laundering with all-natural products.

Apply bleach

Only specialists should ever use bleach. If you must use bleach, dilute it with 4 parts water to 1 part chlorine bleach. Blot the discoloration after dipping a cotton ball into diluted bleach. After 10 minutes, leave the bleached area alone and rinse with lukewarm water. In a day, the bleach should be gone.

Use salt and vinegar

Apply a mixture of salt and vinegar in an equal parts ratio to the highlighter stain. Wash as usual after letting stand for two to three days.

Employ coffee grounds

A wonderful natural substitute for store-bought cleansers is coffee grinds. They eradicate odors while maintaining a fresh scent throughout your home. Mix one cup of ground coffee beans with two cups of warm water to make coffee grounds. Add a half-teaspoon each of white distilled vinegar and liquid castile soap. Before applying directly to the stained area, thoroughly combine.

Employ ice cubes

Ice cubes might be the solution if nothing else seems to be working.

Put a few ice cubes on top of the highlighter stain and press them down firmly against the area for 20 to 30 seconds. In order to continue rubbing the stain with a damp towel, remove the ice cubes.

Apply toothpaste

Even difficult highlighter stains can be removed from clothing with toothpaste. After applying toothpaste to the stain, give it 30 minutes to dry. Paper towels can be used to remove extra paste. After that, wash the item with standard laundry detergent.

Use laundry detergent

Try washing the items in a load of laundry detergent if none of these other methods are successful. A lot of commercial products contain bleach, which can damage your clothing, so use caution.

Choose softer options instead, like Ivory Snow or Dawn.

Attempt Goo Gone Gel

A product called Goo Gone Gel is made especially for removing highlighter stains from clothing. Apply the solution with a spray bottle to the stain, then immediately wipe it off. The treated area needs to air dry. After it has dried, just wash the item as normal.



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