How to Get Rid of Acne?

Acne is a skin-related problem that affects almost 9.4% of the global population. Most people experience an acne outbreak at some point in their lives, making it the eighth most common disease worldwide. Good compatible skin care with the right ingredients is one of the most critical steps to preventing it. For existing acne, using the correct medication can help heal faster with minimal damage to the skin. Let’s get some detail about how to get rid of stubborn acne.

What is acne?   

Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder that emerges due to the clogging of hair follicles with sebum and dead skin cells. Hair follicles are pores that cover the root and strand of hair and exist in the skin’s top two layers. At the same time, sebum is an oily secretion from the sebaceous glands, which occurs at the base of hair follicles and keeps your skin moist and smooth.

Let me explain to you once again. When the pores of hair follicles are blocked by oil, bacteria, dead skin cells, or dirt, you may develop pimples (commonly called a blemish or zits). If you get them frequently, it means you have an acne problem.   

What are the types of acne?

Acne leads to a mixed mash of pimples and lesions. You may find mixed pimple types on your face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders if you suffer from acne. Let’s have a look at different types of pimples.  


They open on the surface of the skin and have a black tip. The air oxygen gives tips a darker shade.  


They appear as a raised bump below the skin’s surface and remain flesh-colored due to the unavailability of oxygen.  


The bacterial inflammation in hair follicles leads to these small, red, raised bumps that are less than 1cm long. 


These little red pimples have yellow-colored pus on the tip due to infection.  


These tight, often painful lumps develop below the surface of the skin.   


These large lumps under the skin contain pus and are usually painful. 

Effects of acne on skin: 

  • Skin discoloration. 
  • Hyperpigmentation. 
  • Redness, swelling, and inflammation. 
  • Ache when touched or not. 
  • Acne scars that won’t go away quickly. 

Risk factors that cause Acne: 

Acne is a multifactorial skin disease that starts especially during adolescence when one goes through puberty. Risk factors include

  • Genetic makeup
  • Cigarette smoking 
  • Poor sleep 
  • Certain medications, including lithium 
  • Some hormonal birth controls and steroids 
  • The menstrual cycle 
  • Anxiety and stress 
  • Hot and humid climates 
  • Use of oil-based makeup and lotions 
  • Harsh scrubbing and cleansing. 
  • Squeezing pimples. 

♦ Mild treatments to get rid of Acne: 

Benzoyl peroxide cleanser: 

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective acne treatments. It is found in many face washes and helps dry out existing pimples, prevents new ones from forming, and kills acne-causing bacteria. Wash your face when you wake up and before bed at night. If you can find one, use a face wash that contains exfoliating particles to help smooth your skin. 

Salicylic Acid toner: 

Pat your face dry after cleansing it with a clean towel. Spray a little toner onto a cotton ball and spread it evenly over your face. It helps exfoliate your skin to prevent pores from getting clogged with bacteria that lead to acne lesions. 

Oil cleansing method: 

It’s a popular method of cleansing in Asia and is a growing trend that uses oils such as olive oil, egg oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, and emu oil. It’s an alternative cleansing method that is gentler for the skin and of interest to sensitive skin types. 

Essential oil treatment for active pimples: 

Neem and tea tree oil have antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria that cause lesions leading to get rid of acne problem.  Pat a drop of a diluted version of diluted tea tree oil or neem oil on each acne spot that can help clear out the microbes clogging your skin. 

Clay Face masks: 

Clay face masks have been used for centuries to improve skin health. Look for products that contain sulfur that works as an acne killer by reducing oil production. 

Retinoid-containing products: 

Retinoid cleansers contain high vitamin A levels, which help groom out blocked pores and dissolve away dirt. You can get a prescription for one from your doctor. 

Azelaic acid-containing products:  

Azelaic acid is an antibacterial agent that helps to reduce redness and inflammation. If acne tends to leave black spots on your skin, try a product that uses azelaic acid to unclog pores and reduce black streaks caused by acne. 

Use a sheet or face mask:  

Sheet or Face masks contain compounds that soothe your skin and kill bacteria. Use a sheet or face mask 2-3 times weekly for 15-20 minutes to dry your skin and clean out your pores.   

Try a homemade mask:  

Blend the cucumber and oatmeal in a food processor until it forms a paste. Then, apply it to your skin for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with warm water. The cucumbers help to reduce redness and fight off dark spots, while the oatmeal softens and soothes irritated skin. 

Apply skin toners: 

A toner’s job is to gently refresh your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture and preps it to drink up the skin treatments you may apply.  

After you wash your face or apply a face mask, exfoliate and apply a toner to your face. Toners tighten the pores making it less possible for dirt and oil to become trapped in them. 

Use gentle moisturizers:  

Oily skin produces acne, and if your skin is dehydrated, your body will balance by producing sebum. To stop this from happening, use a gentle moisturizer every morning and evening after washing your face. 

Use non-comedogenic moisturizer: 

Acne products can dry out your skin. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer (that won’t cause acne) after cleansing and treating your skin to make your skin hydrated and prevent a new acne outbreak. 

♦ Oral medication to get rid of stubborn acne: 

A dermatologist may recommend treatment that includes oral medications but should be used with caution for severe acne lesions. As with all medicines, there may be unwanted side effects. 

Antibiotic oral pills:

An antibiotic pill can help kill the bacteria that may be causing your acne. Topical antibiotics applied directly to the skin can also be used.

Birth control oral pills:

Going on a specialized form of birth control (for women) can help regulate hormones that may produce terrible acne.

Accutane, oral pills:

In particularly troublesome cases of acne, an oral isotretinoin drug known as Accutane is prescribed. It’s an incredibly intense retinoid treatment almost wholly removes all acne but should be used with undue caution. 

♦ Medical procedures to get rid of acne and its scars: 

A dermatologist may also suggest medical procedures to treat stubborn acne and prevent scarring. These approaches work by clearing damaged skin and diminishing oil production. 

Photodynamic therapy or Light treatment:  

These treatments use medication and milder pulses of light released by a specialized rod to kill bacteria and reduce oil production. Certain colors of light are shown to have a positive effect on killing acne.   

Laser treatment: 

Many dermatologists now offer a treatment using lasers to release strong blasts of laser light to kill overactive oil-producing glands underneath your skin. This process can be painful, but on average cut down acne by 50%. 

Microdermabrasion Treatment:

It’s a milder treatment by which the top layer of your skin is “sanded” away with a rotating brush to produce new skin growth once a week over several months. The procedure works best for treating acne scarring, not acne itself. 

Chemical facial peel: 

A facial peel is a specialized gel containing acid that dissolves dead skin and bacteria cells. It can improve mild acne scarring and your skincare regimen. 

Cortisone injections.  

These injections can help reduce inflammation that involves large cysts and speed healing. Cortisone is usually used along with other acne treatments. 

â—Š How do prevent acne through simple Lifestyle changes?

It’s not always possible to completely prevent acne, but you can take specific steps to lessen acne breakouts.

Avoid scrubbing:

Avoid apricot scrubs because the walnut shells are too sharp to exfoliate the skin and contribute to photoaging.

Wear sunscreen every day:

Exposing your skin to harmful UVA and UVB rays damages the skin, leads to aging, and prolongs red acne marks. Therefore, you must wear sunscreen every day.

Use oil-free makeup:

Find acne-fighting oil-free mineral makeup to help prevent worsening your acne. If you start a new makeup product and notice acne on your face, stop using it.

Wash your clothes:

Any fabric that comes into contact with your skin is washed at least once a week to remove oil and bacteria that build up over time.

Stay tension free:

High-stress levels increase sebum production, so give yourself some time to relax.

Stay hydrated:

Water helps to detoxify your body and purify your skin, so make sure you drink water often throughout the day.

Sleep 7 to 9 hours:

Sleeping helps to relax your body as well as detoxify it. Regulate your sleep cycle and sleep for a minimum of eight hours at least. 

Stop eating processed food:

Foods that are highly processed and contain a lot of oil significantly increase the amount of acne in your body. Getting the proper amount of nutrients from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein helps your skin to regenerate faster and limits unnecessary oil production.

Take a bath twice:

Take a shower or bath twice daily in the morning and at night. 

Stop popping your pimples:

Some people are prone to touching and scratching at pimples. Never pop your zits, as this brings more bacteria to your skin and worsens your acne.

Engage in physical activities:

Exercising does several things to help reduce your acne. It releases stress and reduces oil production and also helps to clean out dead skin cells through sweating. 

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