How To Deal With Picky Eaters?
Has anyone in your home been a picky eater? If your child struggles at mealtimes, try these suggestions to encourage them to form healthier eating habits. These recommendations apply to kids of all ages. It’s never too late to begin eating a more wholesome and enjoyable meal. To achieve the best results, if you are not the only person who prepares food for your child, make sure all other caregivers do as well. This includes grandparents, siblings, and babysitters!
It is up to the PARENT and/or caregiver to select:
WHAT is offered as food and drink at meals and snacks? Make just one family dinner. If your child declines the family meal, don’t give them other choices or their favourite foods. Prepare wholesome, balanced meals.
WHEN meals are served. Every day at the same time, provide snacks and meals. Your child will learn when to anticipate receiving food, which will make it easier for them to arrive at the table hungry. When it is time for meals and your child is hungry, they are more likely to try new foods.
WHERE meals are delivered. When the whole family sits down to eat, kids eat better. At mealtimes, keep distractions like screens to a minimum.
It is up to the CHILD to choose:
If they intend to eat that is. If your child is hungry, they will eat. Do not be concerned; your child will not starve to death. Even if their favorite foods are not in front of them, if someone is hungry, they will eat.
HOW MUCH food do they intend to consume? Have faith that your kid will let you know when they’re hungry or full.
Top 10 Tricks For Picky Eaters
1. Schedule a family meal.
As a family, eat your meals at the table. When your child is playing, watching television, or moving around, do not offer them food.
2. Set a good example.
If they observe other children at the table eating the same foods, their children will eat better and be more receptive to trying new foods. Family members, including older siblings, serve as crucial healthy eating role models.
3. Eat at the scheduled times.
Offer three meals and possibly three snacks every day at regular intervals. In between meals and snacks, only provide water. This will keep your child hydrated and prevent them from overeating before meals.
What if my kid refuses to eat?
Offer food only at the following scheduled time if your child refuses to eat during snack or mealtime. Even if your child balks at having dinner and must wait until breakfast, follow this rule. Children who eat less at one meal will make up for it by eating more at the following one.
4. Encourage joyful mealtimes.
If your child enjoys their meals, they will eat better. If you don’t force kids to eat, they’re more likely to enjoy mealtime.
5. Avoid being distracted.
Serving meals and snacks away from devices like the television or computer is a good idea. The purpose of meals is to eat and spend time with the family. Do not place toys on your child’s tray or at the table. Playtime with games, books, TV, and music should take place before or after meals.
6. One family meal should be prepared.
Make sure the food you give your child has the proper texture and portion size. Keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to provide the food, and it is your child’s choice whether or not to accept it. If your child knows they won’t get their favorite foods if they decline dinner, they will be more willing to try new foods.
7. Pay attention to your kid.
Have faith that your kid will let you know when they’re hungry and full.
8. Never put pressure on someone or punish them.
If they feel pressured, children who want to be independent will not eat well. Allow your child to choose from the foods offered whether or how much they will eat. Have faith that if they are hungry, they will eat.
9. Try again and again.
Even if your child has rejected new foods in the past, keep introducing them to them. Offer these foods in various recipes, at various meals, and on various days. A child may need to try a food up to 15 times before they decide they like it. Never give up!
10. Reduce mealtimes.
Give your child no more than 30 minutes to finish the meal. Put the food away after this and allow your child to get up from the table. At the following meal or snack time, provide food once more. A long mealtime does not promote a healthy and enjoyable eating environment for your child and will not increase their likelihood of eating.