How To Design A WordPress Blog

You want to design a WordPress blog, then. Congratulations! WordPress is a fantastic option for starting a blog, and we also think blogs are amazing! Even if setting up a WordPress site is straightforward, knowing what to do and how to do it is still essential if you want to avoid wasting time and advance in your blogging career. We created this step-by-step manual for that reason. Discover expert tips on how to design a stunning WordPress blog with our step-by-step guide. Elevate your online presence effortlessly!

What is needed to start a blog?

Here is a step-by-step guide on creating a blog, if you’re interested:

  1. Join a web hosting service.
  2. For your blog, choose a domain name.
  3. Set up the free WordPress blogging program.
  4. Write your first blog post after logging in.
  5. Choose a theme to alter the appearance of your blog.
  6. Install a few necessary plugins.
  7. Remember to market!

You should be aware that none of these processes necessitates in-depth technical knowledge. We will go over each of these steps in more detail below. You can learn how to set up a blog on your own!

After setting up your free WordPress blog, you’ll undoubtedly want to start writing and perhaps modify its look and functionality (e.g. completely changing your header or revamping your homepage). Additionally, we’ll demonstrate how to:

  • Use the WordPress editor to create your first blog entry.
  • Using a “theme,” you can alter how your free WordPress blog looks.
  • Use “plugins” to add functionality to your blog.

How To Design A WordPress Blog

1. Get your domain name and hosting

Your blog’s niche has already been selected, right? Then you need to do two things in order to make your free WordPress blog available to users worldwide or ready for SEO:

  • Hosting is the vehicle that propels your website. Even though you can’t “see it,” every single website on the internet is supported by a hosting company.
  • The domain is your blog’s official address. Ours is, as an illustration. If you need assistance coming up with a suitable name and learning how custom domains operate, check out this post.

Don’t worry too much about the specifics at this moment; you may buy your blog hosting and domain at the same time. However, you must first select a WordPress host before you can proceed. There are a ton of WordPress hosts due to the platform’s popularity.

We have personally evaluated the dependability and functionality of numerous hosting providers. We can suggest Bluehost to aspiring WordPress bloggers in light of the findings of all these tests.

This is why:

  • It is inexpensive. For just $2.75 per month for the first 12 months, you can host your website for less than the cost of a small coffee per month.
  • When you register, you receive a free domain name. This relates to affordability because purchasing your own domain would ordinarily cost $10 or more.
  • WordPress installation is simple. You can start using WordPress software and have a functional blog with only a few clicks. Tech expertise is not required!
  • It performs well enough to get you going. Bluehost provides ample of performance to keep your site loading when you’re just getting started.

2. How to register for Bluehost’s WordPress hosting service

Visit Bluehost to access their special deal for Themeisle users ($2.75/mo) to get going. Then select “Get Started Now” from the menu. You will be sent to the Bluehost plans.

We advise newcomers to start with the affordable Basic plan because it has ample of power for your new blog. To begin, press the SELECT button.

On the following screen, in the new domain box, type the domain name you want to use for your blog, and then click next. Your blog’s name should be quite simple and accurately reflect the range of your interests. There is a FAQ on the subject at Bluehost if you’re still unsure. Keep in mind that you get this free.

With only one click, you may access the last screen, where you must enter your basic billing and account information at the top.

A section labeled “Package Information” can be found near the bottom as you scroll down. Here, you can select the number of years of hosting service you want to buy, as well as any desired add-ons. You can safely deselect some of these add-ons even though Bluehost will check some of them by default.

After you’ve finished filling out all the fields, click SUBMIT at the bottom to finish the transaction.

All the components for your new blogging platform can now be installed.

How To Design A WordPress Blog

 3. Install the free WordPress software

Unsurprisingly, you will need to install the WordPress software if you wish to start a WordPress blog.

After completing the sign-up procedure in the preceding step, Bluehost ought to have sent you an email with instructions on how to access the Bluehost Customer Area.

Log in to Bluehost right now.

Bluehost will present you with a straightforward wizard that walks you through the process of installing WordPress on your new website as soon as you log in for the first time.

The setup wizard is not present. With Bluehost, installing WordPress is still quite simple. To start the wizard, simply navigate to the My Sites section and click the Create Site button.

Then, you’ll be able to enter all the necessary information for the name of your website and the username and password you’ll use to control your WordPress blog.

Visit to access your new blog’s dashboard once the installation is complete.

4. Write your first blog article right away; you deserve it!

You might be eager to start blogging now that you know how to set up a WordPress blog.

In a moment, we’ll demonstrate how to modify the appearance and functionality of your blog. Let’s first discuss how simple it is to begin blogging on your new website.

You ought to see a dashboard screen when you first sign in to the WordPress dashboard for your blog.

To publish a blog entry:

Hover over Posts and select Add New.

By doing so, the WordPress Editor will open, allowing you to create blog entries using a relatively simple block system.

You only need to click and type to add text. You can add new “blocks” for different types of material, such as an image or an embedded YouTube video.

5. Here’s how to alter the appearance of your blog

One of the main advantages of setting up a WordPress blog is having access to its enormous library of themes and plugins. Here is a brief comparison of the two:

  • Themes are what alter the appearance of your free WordPress blog.
  • Plugins give your blog additional features.

A theme is already active when you create a WordPress blog. Either the default WordPress theme or the theme you selected using the Bluehost Setup Wizard is displayed here.

However, dozens of blog themes are available for WordPress blogs (many of them are open source like WordPress itself), so you’re not at all constrained to the restricted number that Bluehost initially displays.

The best places to find WordPress themes for blogs

You’ll have to decide between free and paid themes while selecting a WordPress theme. Although there is no fundamental distinction between the two, premium themes may offer more elaborate designs and functionalities.

The official theme directory is the best location to look for free themes.

How to set up a theme in WordPress

WordPress makes it simple to add a theme to your site once you’ve chosen one that you enjoy.

This is how:

  • Click Appearance
  • Choose Themes
  • Select Add New from the menu

If you selected a free theme from, type its name into the search bar and select Install.

Click the Upload Theme button and upload the ZIP file you should have gotten when you bought a premium theme if you did. 

How to make your WordPress theme even more customized

Using the WordPress Customizer, you may use your theme as a type of template and further tweak it (which is something resembling a website builder). Without having any coding or HTML knowledge, you can use this interface to make some adjustments to your theme to enhance your website’s appearance.

To get to it, select Appearance > Customize.

Your left sidebar may contain a different set of choices depending on the theme you selected. However, generally, you can:

  • Use the options on the left to make adjustments.
  • View a live preview of the website in the box to the right.
  • To publish your changes, select Save & Publish.

Here’s how to give your blog functionality

While plugins are more concerned with helping you add functionality to your free WordPress blog, themes are more focused on aesthetics.

You essentially just have the ability to publish blog posts and create pages when you initially start a WordPress blog.

Using plugins, you can include more sophisticated functions, such as:

  • Message boards
  • Buttons for social networks
  • Backups
  • Enhanced SEO
  • Plus a ton, ton more

Any functionality you can think of undoubtedly has a corresponding plugin. This is due to the fact that the WordPress community provides more than 50,000 free plugins in addition to thousands of premium plugins.

Where to locate plugins for WordPress for your blog

You may discover both free and paid plugins, much like themes.

The official plugin directory is the greatest place to hunt for free plugins, continuing the theme of similarity.

The best way to get premium plugins is typically to conduct a Google search for terms like “best X plugin” and then make a purchase from a reputable developer.

Many of the free plugins available on also have more feature-rich paid versions.

How to install plugins for WordPress

On how to install WordPress plugins, we’ve already written a comprehensive article. But here’s a summary:

  • Add New in the Plugins menu
  • If you selected a free plugin on, type its name into the search bar and select Install Now.
  • Click the Upload Plugin button and upload the ZIP file you ought to have gotten after making a premium plugin purchase if you did.

After installing the plugin, be careful to activate it.

By selecting the Plugins tab, you can always manage your currently installed plugins.

Steps to take after creating a WordPress blog

Okay, so you created a WordPress blog, installed your theme, and used plugins to add some functionality.

Additionally, you should consider developing a blog content strategy and learning how to come up with fresh blog post ideas. One of the most crucial jobs of a full-time professional blogger is to fill your site with high-quality blog subjects and conduct keyword research if you’re not interested in keeping a personal blog where you share random thoughts.

Once your website enables you to monetize your blog, you can even start your forum to further engage your audience or develop your own newsletter to get a head start on email marketing and list-building. A fantastic blog is a wonderful supplement to marketing goods (even when done via e-commerce marketplaces, like Amazon or eBay).


Mastering how to design a WordPress blog is an exciting journey. With this step-by-step guide, creating and customizing your blog becomes a seamless and enjoyable experience. You have everything you need at this point, so go out there, work hard on new content, and convert your brand-new WordPress site into a profitable blog!

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