How To Put A Baby To Sleep In 40 Seconds 

Looking for quick ways to get your child to sleep? We can give you expert advice on how to put your baby to sleep in 40 seconds or less! 

Parents will go to great lengths to keep their little bundle of joy in the best mood possible and to minimize the crying that babies do when they are in discomfort. It takes more than a full-time job to keep your child happy, from changing their diapers to feeding them every hour and making funny faces to make them smile. 

However, one of the most difficult and unforgiving issues most parents face with a newborn baby is putting the baby to sleep as soon as possible. It’s not always as simple as it appears because, as babies grow, some of the tricks that help you put your baby to sleep may no longer be effective after a few months. 

However, if there is one tried and true trick, it is the tissue trick! 

Tips for Putting Your Baby to Sleep in Less Than A Minute 

Every baby is unique, and the time it takes for a baby to fall asleep using some of these tricks may vary from baby to baby. However, if you are a parent in desperate need of a few tips and tricks to help put your baby to sleep quickly, try these tried and true methods. 

1. The tissue trick

  • It’s amazing what a single piece of tissue paper can accomplish, and the tissue trick is one of the most effective ways to put your baby to sleep in less than a minute. 
  • All you have to do is gently and slowly drag the tissue across the child’s face until their eyes close. It’s that simple, and it works every time! 
  • It’s important to note that the tissue must be dry; using a wet wipe will not work and will cause more discomfort, making your baby less likely to fall asleep. 

2. The white noise machine

A video baby monitor is essential for any new parent, and choosing one with a white noise option is magical and will have your baby sleeping in less than a minute! 

The theory behind this trick is that white noise mimics the environment of a woman’s womb, and because the sound is familiar and comforting to a baby, it helps them sleep instantly. 

If you don’t have a white noise machine, you can make your own using household appliances like a washing machine or hairdryer. 

Place your baby’s crib in the next room or near the washing machine while it is running. The white noise it produces immediately calms your baby, and before you know it, your child is sound asleep. 

The hairdryer, on the other hand, performs the same function. To create the white noise effect, use the hairdryer while drying your hair or simply turn it on for a minute. Of course, you must ensure that it is not blowing in the direction of the baby.

3. Running water

Rain and running water are also excellent for putting your precious baby to sleep. If there isn’t any rain and your baby’s crib isn’t near a water source, you can simply make your own recording of running water or rain and play it for a minute or two until your baby falls asleep.

4. Shh, swing & swaddle

The Shh, swing, and swaddle technique uses motion and sound to make newborn babies feel safe. 

Wrapping your baby in a soft blanket and holding them close to your chest on their side while gently swinging or rocking back and forth while whispering gentle’ shh, shh, shh’ sounds is a simple trick. 

Once your baby has fallen asleep, gently place them in their bed cot on their back, without the blanket. 

5. Use touch to relax them

When your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, using touch to help them sleep will relax them. Gently stroking their cheeks and palms before going to bed and when they wake up will have a soothing effect that will quickly put them back to sleep. 

You can also try this before putting them to bed. Give your baby a warm bath (around 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and gently massage them while bathing them in the warm water. Place a soft blanket on the radiator to keep it warm and dry your baby with the warm blanket before changing them. 

Breastfeeding or using a bottle with formula while gently patting their back in a heartbeat motion will keep them calm and comfortable while they sleep. 

Another trick is to place your baby flat on your stomach so that the motion of your breathing and heartbeat mimics the womb environment.

6. Chanting

Babies enjoy hearing their parents’ voices, and chanting is the best way to soothe them to sleep. 

Make ‘ooommm’ sounds repeatedly, or try singing or humming a melody while they’re lying on their back in their bed, or while rocking them in your arms while chanting. It’s a simple but effective technique that produces results in under a minute.

7. Use calming lotions at bedtime

It’s a good idea to massage baby lotions into their skin after a nice warm bath to relax them. Clinical studies show that using calming lotions containing lavender helps newborns sleep better, and it can be used before bedtime, during naps, or whenever your baby struggles to fall asleep.  

Things to Avoid When Putting Your Baby to Sleep 

We understand that for any new parent, knowing what to do and what not to do can be overwhelming and difficult at times, especially when your own family and friends are giving you conflicting advice. 

If you want your precious baby to be happier and less fussy than usual, here is a short list of things you should avoid doing. It’s not rocket science, but adhering to a few simple guidelines can mean the difference between a happy and a crying baby. 

1. Letting them nap too late

When it comes to sleeping, having a set schedule for your baby is critical. Babies, like all humans, have their own body clock. So, once you’ve got your baby into a routine of sleeping at certain times of the day, stick to that schedule every day. 

Allowing them that extra half-hour or hour can make them grumpy when all they want to do is sleep. 

Babies under four months old, on average, enjoy sleeping every few hours. 

 2. Putting off going to bed

Just because your child isn’t tired at their usual bedtime doesn’t mean you should keep it later. 

Your little bundle of joy simply wants to see you for as long as possible but will fall asleep as soon as you begin your nighttime bath, feed, and sleep routine. 

It is also critical to pay attention to your child’s sleep cues! If your child has been awake for an extended period of time, they may become grumpy and require a quick nap after being fed. 

 3. Lack of a consistent bedtime routine

Put your child to bed at the same time every night to establish a sleep schedule. Some people prefer to sleep earlier, around 5 or 6, while others prefer to sleep later, around 8 or 9. If you frequently change this time, it may be difficult to put your child to sleep. 

4. Not being consistent with your partner

It is critical that you maintain consistency with your partner! 

Sharing nighttime responsibilities is essential for a stress-free relationship and for keeping your child happy. While both parents may be working while raising a child, make sure you both follow the same sleep schedule. 

Different sleeping schedules are common among new parents, but this can be detrimental to your child’s sleep routine and ultimately make it more difficult for them to fall asleep. 

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