How to determine your hair type and care for it?

The internet contains a variety of hair care knowledge. Everyone has a unique hair type, and not all hair care advice is universal. Knowing your hair type and their specialised hair care suggestions can be quite beneficial and save you a lot of time and frustration. How do you figure out what sort of hair you have? Examine the curl pattern on a strand of hair to determine whether it is straight, wavy, curly, or coily! Can you change the colour of your hair? Chemical treatments can relax or perm your hair follicles, causing them to act differently. Expect damage and hair regrowth to look different than expected! Straight, curly, wavy, or coil hair kinds exist, therefore it all depends on the individual’s hair type and the hair care guidelines they must follow. Continue reading to learn how to determine your hair type and care for it.

Here are some examples of numerous hair types:

  • 1(a) straight with some beds
  • 1(b) Straight and coarser in texture
  • 1(c) Very straight, fine, or thin texture
  • 2(a) Wavy with distinct S-shaped waves
  • 2(b) Fine and wavy
  • 2(c) Wavy with a more definite S-shape.
  • 3(a) Curly hair
  • 3(b) Curls that are tight and springy
  • 3(c) An “S” or “Z” form that returns to its original shape when stretched
  • 4(a) Coils that zigzag
  • 4(b) Tight coils
  • 4(c) Unstable coils

Hair is made up of two structures: the hair strand itself, often known as the hair shaft, and the hair follicle. The hair shaft contains several layers, including the cortex, surrounding cells, and a central medulla. Genital variables must determine the shape of a person’s hair follicle.

How to determine your hair type and care for it


The density of hair is determined by the amount of hair, the more hair, the greater the density.

Structure of the hair:

The thickness of the hair strands is determined by the structure of the hair. There are several forms of hair:

  • Fine
  • Medium
  • Coarse


Hair porosity determines a person’s hair’s ability to absorb moisture. Porousness of hair is determined by the number of tears or gaps in the cuticle layer. The cuticle, or outside layer of the hair, protects it from harm. However, chemically or bleach-damaged hair is more porous than untreated hair. To allow the hair to recuperate, avoid using harsh chemicals and high-heat treatments.

Straight hair care instructions:

Straight hair contains more sebum than curly hair does. Sebum is an oily, waxy substance produced by the human skin. As a result, people with straighter hair may be more likely than those with curlier hair to acquire greasy hair. If you have straight hair, avoid using certain hair products. The following are the products:

  • Styling products including oil
  • Any products labelled “for dry hair”
  • Oils such as olive, coconut, and jojoba oil can be left on goods.

Straight hair requires a delicate approach to care.

  • Using a towel, gently dry your hair.
  • Gently brushing or combing the hair

Beautiful young woman whip hair and smiling. haircare concept

Curly Hair Care Instructions:

Excessive brushing might impair curl definition. As a result, people with curly hair may need to experiment to figure out how frequently they should brush their hair.

Other hair care advice for curly hair:

  • Avoid using combs and brushes that are too dense.
  • Using less shampoo
  • Avoid using a heat styling instrument.
  • Using a diffuser on a blow-dryer or air dryer

Curly hair mousses and gels can be used.

Beauty portrait of red head woman posing over pink wall. wavy hairs. perfect smile.

Black hair care instructions:

The following are some Black Hair Tips:

  • Using conditioner after each wash
  • Using a hot oil treatment every two weeks
  • Using heat-resistant products prior to heat styling
  • Limiting hair washing to once per week and avoiding too tight braids, cornrows, or waves

You might use the additional caring strategy to prevent hair damage.

  • If feasible, seek the services of a professional hairstylist.
  • Using water-based gels and moisturisers to protect the hair’s edges.
  • To keep the scalp clean, use a mild shampoo.
  • Using conditioner to strengthen the hair

Portrait of beautiful face of an young woman with long brown hair.

Thick Hair Care Instructions:

Denser hair products will be beneficial for thick hair:

  • Avocado hair masks are popular.
  • Gels for hair
  • Coconut oil, for thicker hair
  • Hair cream

Brush your hair with brushes designed for thicker hair. These brushes have fewer spokes than others in order to eliminate knots without damaging the hairs.

Thin Hair Care Instructions:

Certain items that weigh down the hair may be avoided by those with thinner hair.

The following benefits can be obtained with thinning hair:

  • Hair washing on a regular basis
  • Apply conditioner only to the ends of your hair.
  • Making use of dry shampoo

Hair combing type:

  • Split, dry, and broken ends
  • Hair retains a lovely sheen along its full length for three days.
  • After washing the hair, it becomes unclean and oily in 4 days.
  • The scalp is sometimes tight.
  • Only the tips are affected by the static effect.
  • Hair can only be given basic volume; all other style is worthless.
  • The hair dryer causes the tips to stick out to the sides and fluff.
  • Three days after washing, the hair becomes greasy at the roots and the tips lose their lustre.

Some more Hair Care for Different Hair Types

After deciding on the type of hair, select the right basic care.

Dry Hair

  • Select a washing shampoo that has a creamy or completely transparent texture. This type of cosmetic provides additional protection.
  • Rinse your hair with chamomile broth to provide hydration. Every day, massage vitamin E ampoules into your scalp
  • Do not sleep with wet hair. Refrain from using a hairdryer, iron, or curling iron to style your hair. Use Velcro curlers at your own risk.
  • Apply balm after each shampoo wash, spray curls with conditioner spray, or rub in indelible care serum.
  • Rub coconut or burdock oil into the scalp twice a week and distribute it throughout the length of the hair. It will be beneficial. It will aid in the restoration of suppleness and lustre, as well as the prevention of cross-section.

Greasy hair

  • Rinse clean hair with a therapeutic decoction every two days. Mint, nettle, plantain, thyme, or chamomile can all be used to make it.
  • Make masks that help the sebaceous glands function normally. Include the following ingredients: chicken yolk, white or blue clay, vodka, honey, and brewer’s yeast.
  • Use shampoo that is appropriate for your hair type. Choose a light-textured balm from the same series. In rare circumstances, use a hairdryer to dry your hair.
  • Heat should be avoided on your scalp. To avoid causing an accelerated release of fat, wash your head with slightly warm water.

Normal and mixed hair types

  • Wash your hair no more than once every three days. Use shampoos that are free of surfactants.
  • Twice a month, use a scrub to clean the sebaceous ducts. It can be made using balsam and pulverised apricot kernels, as well as coffee grounds or sea salt.
  • Brush the strands with a natural-pile massage brush or a wooden comb. Only use the hairdryer in an emergency.

Camomiles in beautiful gorgeous long curly hair of young woman - white space

Final Thoughts

The way your hair curls determines your hair type. Straight, wavy, curly, and coily hair are the four fundamental hair types, with many variants. The more they curl, the more moisture your hair requires. Consult with your hairdresser to determine the best products and hairstyles for your hair type.

How to measure hair length

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