Fruit fondue







Cook Time

00-00 Min


  • 50g/2oz soft cheese
  • 150ml/5fl oz hazelnut yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 teaspoon caster sugar
  • selection of fresh fruits for dipping, such as strawberries, satsumas, kiwi fruit, grapes, all cut into bite-size pieces
  • Beat the soft cheese with the yogurt, vanilla essence and sugar in a bowl.
  • Spoon the mixture into a glass serving dish set on a platter. Arrange the prepared fruits around the dip, and serve immediately
  1. Hot Equipment Caution: When preparing Fruit Fondue, exercise caution with hot equipment such as fondue pots and hotplates. Use appropriate safety measures.
  2. Supervise Children: Ensure close supervision of children during the preparation and consumption of Fruit Fondue to prevent accidents and burns.
  3. Safe Handling of Fondue Forks: Use long fondue forks to avoid accidental burns or injuries while dipping and enjoying the fruits in the fondue.
  4. Stable Surface: Place the fondue pot on a stable and flat surface to prevent accidental spills or tipping.
  5. Allergy Information: Be mindful of guests’ allergies and dietary restrictions when selecting fruits and dipping sauces for the fondue.
  6. Safe Dipping Practices: Instruct participants to dip fruits into the fondue pot carefully, avoiding splashes and ensuring even coating.
  7. Caution with Fondue Fuel: If using fuel for the fondue pot, follow safety guidelines for its handling, ignition, and extinguishing.
  8. Proper Extinguishing: When done with the fondue, extinguish the flame or turn off the heat source safely and allow it to cool before cleaning.
  9. Temperature Awareness: Be aware of the temperature of the fondue to prevent burns. Allow it to cool slightly before enjoying the dipped fruits.
  10. Read and Follow Instructions: Always read and follow the specific instructions provided with your fondue equipment to ensure safe usage.
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